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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fall Soccer

Greysen got to play soccer this year for the first time and man was he hillarious!  SOme of his antics included pausing during play to stop and place both hands on one knee.  Waiting this way for 30 seconds and then jumping up and speeding off.  He called this his power up.  He also started running with his head stretched out in front of him and his hands flapping down behind his bottom so that he could run fast as a sea hawk.  We were very entertained.

Tate has figured out what he likes and is good at in soccer.  He is a defender.  His favorite is to stand in front of the goalie and kick the ball before it gets too close.  His coach appreciated his efforts.

Bekett prefected his supportive role!



Here is Grey with his coach and his team celebrating an awesome season.

Go team!

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