So my little Tate turned 4. Can you believe it?! He is getting so old. (I say old and not big because he has not ever been what you would consider BIG.) I tried bribing him and cajoling him to stay 3 but he insisted he turn 4. We did finally come to an agreement though...
He must:
1. Still cuddle me every day
2. Give me all the kisses I want
3. Stay the nice, sweet, considerate boy he has always been
If he meets these three steep criteria then (and only then) can he turn 4.
His reply was "Yeah, yeah sure mom" (in his very sweetest voice)
I am not looking forward to the upcoming sassiness that inevitably follows the milestone of the 4th birthday.
So as Sorensen family tradition goes there was a week of celebration for the great Tate.
He must:
1. Still cuddle me every day
2. Give me all the kisses I want
3. Stay the nice, sweet, considerate boy he has always been
If he meets these three steep criteria then (and only then) can he turn 4.
His reply was "Yeah, yeah sure mom" (in his very sweetest voice)
I am not looking forward to the upcoming sassiness that inevitably follows the milestone of the 4th birthday.
So as Sorensen family tradition goes there was a week of celebration for the great Tate.
Happy Birthday, Tate! I remember when you were just a beautiful babe screaming in your carseat on the expressway. How time flies!
Those cupcakes look so good... I will dream of them tonight.
Fun party. Those cupcakes look fabulous.
Happy Birthday Tate! And I think you did a great job on the cupcakes. Very ingenious!
Happy belated Birthday to Tate. Tate you are the most adorable 4yr old I know!! Ben and Mauvia, please give him a big squeeze for me!
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