In April my sister and her family met us in Ocean Shores for our very first combined family adventure. We got to the hotel first and headed straight to the beach.

April is not typically a very warm time of year at Ocean Shores but we totally lucked out with the weather. A little breezy, but clear skies and warm.
As you can see Grey warmed up pretty quickly to the water. He was actually trying to run away from a wave but got pulled under. It was a good thing I was standing right there to pull him out.
Love this fun picture of Tate's reflection. Ben should be a photographer right?!
Sandy toes! Can you guess what else was sandy? Um yeah, pretty much everything.
See those concerned eyebrows! He wouldn't go near the water unless he was carried after that.
My sister got to Ocean Shores late in the night and her car had broken down. So we had the whole day to walk around and play. The kids had a great time.
Here is Stetson, Cheraden, Tate and Zoe
Zoe and Tate racing the waves.
Jasper and my sister Dwan carrying little Odessa
Chilly me and Grey

This is as close as he would get by himself
Ben was trying to coax him back to the water
Cheraden, Zoe and Stetson
Little Odessa
Someone help us!
Silly hats
Silly Tate
Love this little character!
Under attack!
Oh no! Not Ben too!
Sleepy boys. Jasper is too funny with his hands behind his head.
Trophy Cupcakes back at the hotel
We made our way back to Wenatchee after a short trip to Pike's market where we saw the gum wall for the first time. It was truly disgusting and my only picture is on my cell phone which I don't know how to transfer over. Maybe I will add it when I figure it out.
Okay I figured it out. The next few pictures are from our cell phones during our quick trip through Seattle. We drove by the Space Needle.
Here is Stetson, Cheraden, Tate and Zoe
This is as close as he would get by himself

Looks like everything came together for a fun family time together! Cute kiddo's... as always :-)
We had fun with the kids last week, and we miss them already. Hmmm. about the feather extensions.. What can I say .. You make everything look great!
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