After Ben and I got home from London he and the boys headed up to Rexburg to visit his family.
Aunt Tevy and Bekett
Ben and Jacob
Aunt Suda, Harper and Nana
Adam, Micheal, Tate, Amy, Ariel, Anthony, Matt, Taylor, Ellie, Jacob, Greysen, Emma
Matt, Micheal, Ellie, Jacob, Greysen
Tate, Micheal
Jacob, Ellie, Stranger, Greysen, Micheal
Tate and Jacob
Bekett and Emma were best buds.
Brent and Ben had an epic battle at the fun center.
Brent won the first round
Round 2 went to Ben!
Zoe and I hung out in Utah so that Zoe could go to dance camp.
I was bored and wandered stores looking for funny displays like this.

Glnk was left behind too and kept me company.

In the evening Zoe and I would have adventures.

Zoe had the amazing opportunity to imporve her dance talent by attending a BYU dance camp.
The camp put on a final performance and Zoe was lucky enough to have a great support group of people come to watch her. This meant so much to Zoe since she rarely gets to have family attend her concerts.

Grandma Cindy, Tevy, Ben, Howard, Grandpa Sorensen, Claudia
Suda, Nana, Zoe, Bekett, Adam, Greysen, Ariel Anthony
D.J., Jasper, Odessa, Larissa,

Look at all that Love!

I accidentally attacked Ben with a taffy on the way home.

We got to stop by and visit Great Grandma Marley on the way home shortly before her 97th birthday.
I am so grateful for this woman in my life. She gave me my love of reading, art, gardening, baking, braiding, the quiet, the smell of the rain, thunder and lightening, the mountains, camping, fresh air, game playing, fruits and vegetables, walks, hugs, red hair, a good laugh, a simple pleasure and so many things.
She also taught me to love myself and to be brave. She could squash a huge grasshopper like nobodies business!

Man we love her!
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