Look at this cute little munchkin!

Tate has developed a new love for Star Wars. Ben and Tate spend about ten minutes a few times a week playing the Star Wars video game. Really Ben runs around fighting bad guys while Tate walks around in an AT AT Walker looking at the scenery.

Ben's parents came up from Utah to visit us for Thanksgiving. Mani made us all sorts of delicious treats.

Our neighbors the Bastian's also came to eat good food and play. They are awesome Settlers players!

Mom and Dad enjoying a pre-feast snack.

Here we are Thanksgiving Day.

Nana and Grey playing cars.

Here are our beloved reindeer antlers. I have no idea where they came from but every year we have to get pictures in them.

Grey was not a fan!

Silly Zoe!

Say cheese!

Get them off!

Decorating the tree. Tate looks thrilled!

This was in Leavenworth. We went with Ben's parent's and this is the only picture I got. Oh well we will have to go again!

Tate and Grey enjoying our first snow.

Grey enjoying more snow...

Grey trying to eat the snow...

Too much snow!


Happy Holidays!