Our Favorite Video

Saturday, November 5, 2011


If you know me you know that Halloween is my favorite holiday.  This may be hard for some of you to understand but that doesn't really matter.  I still love it!

Every good Halloween celebration starts with a trip to the pumpkin patch.

We were lucky this year to have our good friends the Sampsons with us.
Greysen knew right away what to do. 
Too bad he couldn't lift it.

Neither could Zoe.
Here we all are looking for the perfect squash.
Zoe, Jack
Tate, Grey and Kenzie
Cute face!
Spooky!  And cute!
Me and Zoe.
I wasn't feeling great that day due to our new little addition.
Grey caught a ride!
Next we have to carve the pumpkins
Greysen can't believe what we are asking him to do.
Tate dug right in.
Grey is still not sure.
There he goes!
Zoe too!
Even Oat got into it.
He doesn't like to get dirty.
Carving is very serious business.
Here are the masterpieces!
Tate's is the spooky tree and Oat free handed the face next to it.  Pretty amazing for a first time pumpkin carver!
Ben made the Darth Vader of course, and the one next to it was Zoe's first attempt at carving free hand.  Not bad eh!
Here we are all dressed up for trick-or treating
Can you guess what we are?
Those of you with small children probably had an easier time,
Ben and I are Phineas and Ferb.  Zoe is Candace.  Tate is Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Greysen is Agent P, or Perry the Platapus.
Halloween cake pops made a delicious Halloween craft.  To bad they make me sick to even look at now.

One last fun fall activity.

Raking leaves...


We have always loved the fall but here in Wenatchee it is so much easier to love.  The fall here is amazing!  It is warm and sunny and colorful.  Plus lots of crunchy leaves instead of soggy ones.  We love it!


Smart Helm said...

Halloween rocks! Dressing up and candy... doesn't get much better than that. And congrats on the new one! I had seen the ticker up but it wasn't ticking yet...

4lakedames said...

Great photos!!! I love that your kids will go along with a family costume theme.. how fun is that!!!
Congrats on the bun in the oven! Hope the all day sickness starts to get some better!! I feel for you!
xo H
ps the ticker always drove me nuts SO I got rid of it and added it at the very end! just an FYI